P. 10
Financial Analysts… Statistician…
…evaluate investments, …works in a variety of fields—
opportunities in banks, including business, engineering,
pension funds, mutual and the actuarial science—
funds, securities firms, apply and develop new
insurance companies, mathematical theories and
and other businesses. techniques to solve problems.
Careers in Mathematics
Auditor & Accountant…
Data or Research Analyst…
…examines and prepares financial
…uses advanced mathematical and analytical records, checks their accuracy, explains
methods to help businesses, investigate their findings to key stakeholders, checks
complex issues, identify and address for mismanagement of an organization’s
inefficiencies, and make strategic, data-driven funds and identifies ways to improve
business decisions. processes for eliminating waste.
Medical Scientist… Computer Programmer…
…writes and tests computer
…forms hypotheses and develops application and software program
experiments, often using clinical code, updates and expands
trials and other investigative existing programs, checks
methods to research their findings. programs for errors and fixes
faulty lines of code.
1) I need Maths to 2) I am responsible for the
calculate the number of development process of a
fertilizers, pesticides and software program ,
water, they need to grow analyze users’
the crops we use for food. needs, then
Who am I? design, test, and
develop software. Who am
3.__________puts Maths to use when designing Down CAREER
buildings, calculate the amount of material 1._________designs and builds new data
needed for their structures. sets for modelling, data mining and
4.__________studies market data and use production. 3 I use Maths to develop
mathematical models and statistical analysis to 2._________needs Maths when giving 4 I use Maths
understand and explain economic trends. medications to the patients. new formulae and projections when I warn
5.__________is in charge of the complex chain 6. _________is the field of Actuarial medications to the world about the
that links products, consumers and companies Science is the one that deals with risks make life easier
together. of all kinds, be it financial, insurance possible extinction of an
7.__________calculates how much a potential will or business. as well as to analyze animal species. Who am I?
cost, how long will it take to finish, what crime scenes. Who am I?
resources are needed. Data Scientist; 2.Nurse; 6. Actuary
8.__________ is an expert in mathematical Estimator;8. Mathematician. Down: 1.
theories and algorithms. Theoretical 5.Supply Chain Manager;7. Cost
mathematicians are concerned with developing Across:3. Architect; 4. Economist;
new theories and critiquing previous principles. Answers: CHEMIST 4 BIOLOGIST ANS 1 AGRICULTURIST 2 SOFTWARE DEVELOPER 3
JOB HUNT… Noah… in dilemma!